Term Footwear Wellies are a perfect fit this winter. With the long, hot summery days slowly fading into our memory and the rain pouring down in autumn and all those muddy puddles to splash in - we need to focus on keeping our children's feet dry and warm.
Designed by parents for children, Term Footwear is a UK brand that creates footwear for your children ensuring their feet are healthy and stylish. Having worked with children’s footwear since 2009, Term Footwear endeavours to create footwear that has great comfort, design and fit. Having worked with experienced UK designers, Term Footwear creates shoes that all ages want to wear and make parents equally as happy with the quality and price. Ideal sturdy footwear for your child to roam about in the countryside.
Available in a wide range of eye-catching colours, Term Footwear’s children's wellington boots allow your child to keep as cool as a cucumber in summer and as snug as a bug in a rug during the cold winter weather. With the kids back to school and Guy Fawkes night with fireworks on 5th November, you will need snug wellies to keep your children warm and comfy. The boys and girls wellies are quality lined with a removable cosy sock that can be hand washed so no more smelly welly’s!
Made out of a durable PVC, Term Footwear’s wellies keep your child’s feet safe, as well as having a high visibility strip making them the perfect footwear for your evening strolls. Allow your child to explore the new season in style and comfort.
Peppa pig loves jumping in muddy puddles so why not be like Peppa. Get daddy pig, mummy pig and George involved, jump in as many puddles as you can and post them on facebook: @termfootwear or instagram: https://www.instagram.com/termfootwear/
#wellieswouldhavebeenbetter #wellies #dorsetwellies #TermFootwear #Peppapig #Mummypig #Daddypig #muddypuddles